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Welcome to Yorkie Heaven

Besties For Life

Yorkie Heaven was created to spread smiles everyday through the world of two yorkies day to day adventures.  They've lived in Florida, Virginia and now dominate the doggie social scene of Washington, DC!

"The Girls"

And just like that it's back to the Monday grind...jpg

AKA Furbabies!

Together this 10 pound duo rules the house!  They love treats, walks and giving kisses.  Seriously, Izzy Bear will lick your face for hours if you let her.  Sophia prefers the finer things in life - mainly human food, bacon and beef!  In their free time they roam the streets of Washington, DC and socialize on Instagram with their worldwide following of friends!


I make my Mom take all my selfies! 🤳🏼💁🏼🤳🏼 #NationalSelfieDay •_•_#yorkie #yorkieheaven #yorkie

The Queen

Sophia is THE QUEEN of the house.  She refuses to get out of bed unless given 10 treats a day and demands a minimum of two walks.  She's very close to talking and is at her best when human food is involved.  Sophia truly believes that every human was put on earth to tell her she's beautiful...which she is!

Izzy Bear

Izzy Bear

The Baby

Izzy Bear has more names than we can keep track of.  She came home Isabella, then went to Isabel, followed by Izzy and finally Izzy Bear.  Her nicknames include, Bitty, Itzy Bitzy, Pooh Bear, Pumpkin Girl, and Angel Girl :) She sleeps a minimum of 20 hours a day, only goes on evening walks, and has exclusively played with the squeaky tiki (pictured) for almost two years!

Contact US

To work together, schedule appearances, press inquiries or just to say hi, please connect below!

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